Monday, November 3, 2008

Government and Religion

November 27, 2006

Before we delve into the meat of this blog, let’s first review some definitions (my wording) that you may have forgotten since civics class:

  • Theocracy: literally a “God Rules” government; this is a government where a religion sets the rules.
  • Democracy: literally a “People Rules” government; while there are different levels of democracy (direct and representative are two), this is a government where the people set the rules.
A brief look at American history will no doubt (even with the liberal attempts to re-write history) show that our country’s laws, principles, and structure were (for the most part) based on the Christian religion. That said, America is a democracy and not a theocracy. That being said let us look at what Christianity is and how it should affect our government. I'll do this by expanding on the following ideas:
  1. Christianity is the one true faith.
  2. God judges wicked nations.
A nation’s righteousness cannot be determined by its government but by the people themselves.